Cambridge AS and A Level Physics 9702 Syllabus 2022-2024

Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics develops transferable skills, including handling data, practical problem-solving, and applying the scientific method. Learners develop relevant attitudes, such as concern for accuracy and precision, objectivity, integrity, inquiry, initiative, and inventiveness. They acquire the essential scientific skills required for progression to further studies or employment.

Cambridge AS and A Level Physics Syllabus

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Key Concepts for Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics

Models of physical systems

Physics is the science that seeks to understand the behavior of the Universe. The development of models of physical systems is central to physics. Models simplify, explain, and predict how physical systems behave.

Testing predictions against evidence

Physical models are usually based on prior observations, and their predictions are tested to check that they are consistent with the behavior of the real world. This testing requires evidence, often obtained from experiments.

Mathematics as a language and problem-solving tool

Mathematics is integral to physics, as it is the language that is used to express physical principles and models. It is also a tool to analyze theoretical models, solve quantitative problems and produce predictions.

Matter, energy, and waves

Everything in the Universe comprises matter and/or energy. Waves are a key mechanism for the transfer of energy and are essential to many modern applications of physics.

Forces and fields

The way that matter and energy interact is through forces and fields. The behaviour of the Universe is governed by fundamental forces with different magnitudes that interact over different distances. Physics involves study of these interactions across distances ranging from the very small (quantum and particle physics) to the very large (astronomy and cosmology).

Cambridge AS Level Physics Syllabus

1. Physical quantities and units

1.1 Physical quantities

1.2 SI units

1.3 Errors and uncertainties

1.4 Scalars and vectors

2. Kinematics

2.1 Equations of motion

3. Dynamics

3.1 Momentum and Newtonโ€™s laws of motion

3.2 Non-uniform motion

3.3 Linear momentum and its conservation

4. Forces, density, and pressure

4.1 Turning effects of forces

4.2 Equilibrium of forces

4.3 Density and pressure

5. Work, energy, and power

5.1 Energy conservation

5.2 Gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy

6. Deformation of solids

6.1 Stress and strain

6.2 Elastic and plastic behaviour

7. Waves

7.1 Progressive waves

7.2 Transverse and longitudinal waves

7.3 Doppler effect for sound waves

7.4 Electromagnetic spectrum

7.5 Polarisation

8. Superposition

8.1 Stationary waves

8.2 Diffraction

8.3 Interference

8.4 The diffraction grating

9 Electricity

9.1 Electric current

9.2 Potential difference and power

9.3 Resistance and resistivity

10. D.C. circuits

10.1 Practical circuits

10.2 Kirchhoffโ€™s laws

10.3 Potential dividers

11. Particle physics

11.1 Atoms, nuclei and radiation

11.2 Fundamental particles

Cambridge A Level Physics Syllabus

12. Motion in a circle

12.1 Kinematics of uniform circular motion

12.2 Centripetal acceleration

13. Gravitational fields

13.1 Gravitational field

13.2 Gravitational force between point masses

13.3 Gravitational field of a point mass

13.4 Gravitational potential

14. Temperature

14.1 Thermal equilibrium

14.2 Temperature scales

14.3 Specific heat capacity and specific latent heat

15. Ideal gases

15.1 The mole

15.2 Equation of state

15.3 Kinetic theory of gases

16. Thermodynamics

16.1 Internal energy

16.2 The first law of Thermodynamics

17. Oscillations

17.1 Simple harmonic oscillations

17.2 Energy in simple harmonic motion

17.3 Damped and forced oscillations, resonance

18. Electric fields

18.1 Electric fields and field lines

18.2 Uniform electric fields

18.3 Electric force between point charges

18.4 Electric field of a point charge

18.5 Electric potential

19. Capacitance

19.1 Capacitors and capacitance

19.2 Energy stored in a capacitor

19.3 Discharging a capacitor

20. Magnetic fields

20.1 Concept of a magnetic field

20.2 Force on a current-carrying conductor

20.3 Force on a moving charge

20.4 Magnetic fields due to currents

20.5 Electromagnetic induction

21. Alternating currents

21.1 Characteristics of alternating currents

21.2 Rectification and smoothing

22. Quantum physics

22.1 Energy and momentum of a photon

22.2 Photoelectric effect

22.3 Wave-particle duality

22.4 Energy levels in atoms and line spectra

23. Nuclear physics

23.1 Mass defect and nuclear binding energy

23.2 Radioactive decay

24. Medical physics

24.1 Production and use of ultrasound

24.2 Production and use of X-rays

24.3 PET scanning

25. Astronomy and cosmology

25.1 Standard candles

25.2 Stellar radii

25.3 Hubbleโ€™s law and the Big Bang theory

Details of the assessment

Paper 1 Multiple Choice

  • Written paper, 1 hour 15 minutes, 40 marks
  • Forty multiple-choice items of the four-choice type testing assessment objectives AO1 and AO2. Questions are based on the AS Level syllabus content.

Paper 2 AS Level Structured Questions

  • Written paper, 1 hour 15 minutes, 60 marks
  • Structured questions testing assessment objectives AO1 and AO2. Questions are based on the AS Level syllabus content.

Paper 3 Advanced Practical Skills

  • Practical test, 2 hours, 40 marks
  • This paper tests assessment objective AO3 in a practical context.
  • Two questions assess the AS Level practical skills in the Practical assessment section of the syllabus. The content of the questions may be outside the syllabus content.

Paper 4 A Level Structured Questions

  • Written paper, 2 hours, 100 marks
  • Structured questions testing assessment objectives AO1 and AO2.
  • Questions are based on the A Level syllabus; knowledge of material from the AS Level syllabus content will be required.

Paper 5 Planning, Analysis, and Evaluation

  • Written paper, 1 hour 15 minutes, 30 marks
  • Two questions testing assessment objective AO3.
  • Questions are based on the A Level practical skills of planning, analysis, and evaluation but may require knowledge of practical skills from the AS Level syllabus. The content of the questions may be outside of the syllabus content.

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics (9702) Syllabus

About Author

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Sagar Aryal

I am Sagar Aryal, a passionate Microbiologist, and the Scientific Blogger. I did my Masterโ€™s Degree in Microbiology and currently doing my Ph.D. from Tribhuvan University in collaboration with Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS), Germany. I am particularly interested in research related to actinomycetes, myxobacteria, and natural products.

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