Top 10 Microbiology Universities in Germany (Updated 2021)

Top 10 Microbiology Universities in Germany (Updated 2021)

University Logo Source: Respective Universities Website.

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Ranking Source: U.S. News Best Global Universities

The subject fields used in the analysis came from subject schemas in Clarivate, which uses the content and citation indicators from the Web of Science. Publications are limited to those published between 2014 to 2018. However, the citations to those papers come from all publications, including the most recent data available.

Table: Weights and factors used to compute the subject rankings (For Biology and Microbiology)

S.N. Ranking Factors Ranking Weights
1. Global research reputation 12.5%
2. Regional research reputation 12.5%
3. Publications 15%
4. Normalized citation impact 10%
5. Total citations 15%
6. Number of publications that are among the 10% most cited 10%
7. Percentage of total publications that are among the 10% most cited 5%
8. Number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1% most cited in their respective field 5%
9. Percentage of total publications that are among the top 1% most highly cited papers 5%
10. International collaboration – relative to the country 5%
11 International collaboration 5%
Total 100%

For the 2021 rankings, the cutoff date was May 28, 2020.

The microbiology category comprises studies dealing with the biology and biochemistry of protozoa and microorganisms. Covering topics that range from the medical implications of organisms known to cause diseases to the biotechnology applications of microorganisms for basic science and clinical use, publications within this category focus on the study of microscopic organisms.

1. University of Würzburg

Subject Score: 41.2

World Ranking in Microbiology: #84

Best Global University Ranking: #186

Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg (JMU) is big enough to offer a broad and innovative range of subjects, yet not too big to be impersonal. A university with an international reputation for excellent research, JMU is proud to be the home of outstanding researchers. But at JMU we are not only committed to delivering quality research, they are also committed to delivering quality teaching.

Many eminent scholars and scientists, 14 Nobel Laureates among them, have conducted research and taught in Würzburg. Notable scientists include Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, who discovered X-rays in Würzburg in 1895, and Klaus von Klitzing, who discovered the Quantum-Hall Effect. Today, Würzburg’s university comprises ten faculties with approximately 425 professors and 29,000 students.

In addition to the four classic subjects – medicine, theology, philosophy, and law – the university also offers many new degree programs. The most recent additions include Nanostructure Technology, Functional Materials, Games Engineering, Modern China, Digital Humanities, Media Communications, Human Factors in Computing Systems, and Museology, just to name a few.

Faculty of Biology (Chair of Microbiology)

In the focus of research at the Chair of Microbiology are pathogenicity mechanisms of different microorganisms such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Bordetella pertussis, and Staphylococcus aureus. Host-pathogen interactions, pathogen-induced host cell apoptosis as well as the interface of infection and cancer are of peticular interest.

Read More: Faculty of Biology (Chair of Microbiology)

University Address
Sanderring 2,
Würzburg 97070

University Website

2. University of Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

Subject Score: 41.0

World Ranking in Microbiology: #86

Best Global University Ranking: #46

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München – the University in the heart of Munich. LMU is recognized as one of Europe’s premier academic and research institutions. Since our founding in 1472, LMU has attracted inspired scholars and talented students from all over the world, keeping the University at the nexus of ideas that challenge and change our complex world. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München is a public corporation with the right of self-governance within the confines of the law. At the same time, it is a state entity divided into a central administration and 18 faculties.

Microbiology Department

Microbiology is a branch of biology that deals with the molecular characterization of prokaryotes as well as their diversity and ecology. New microbiological findings are used in biotechnology, medicine, and environmental protection. The microbiology department is located in the LMU Biozentrum in Martinsried, on the south-western outskirts of the state capital Munich.

Read More: Microbiology Department

University Address
Munich 80539

University Website

3. Freie Universität Berlin

Subject Score: 40.3

World Ranking in Microbiology: #91

Best Global University Ranking: #111

Freie Universität Berlin is a leading research institution. It is one of the 13 German universities being funded through the German government’s Excellence Strategy and is part of the only University Consortium of Excellence, the Berlin University Alliance. The four Berlin partners – Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin – submitted a joint proposal in the Excellence Strategy entitled Crossing Boundaries toward an Integrated Research Environment. The four institutions’ long-term goal is nothing less than to turn Berlin into an integrated research environment and one of Europe’s leading research hubs.

Institute of Biology

The Institute of Biology specializes primarily in molecular botany, microbiology, neurobiology, ecological processes, and animal and plant evolution and biodiversity in all its different expressions. The Institute of Biology and the Department also works closely with the Zentraleinrichtung Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum (Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum).

Read More: Institute of Biology

University Address
Kaiserswerther Straße 16-18,
Berlin 14165

University Website

4. University of Freiburg

Subject Score: 39.3

World Ranking in Microbiology: #97

Best Global University Ranking: #168

Already a comprehensive university at its founding in 1457, the University of Freiburg still offers undergraduate and graduate studies as well as a professorial qualification in all important disciplines today: the humanities, natural and engineering sciences, medicine, law, and theology. This diversity also provides an ideal environment for innovative interdisciplinary studies.

Faculty of Biology

The Faculty of Biology is one of the strongest research faculties at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg. The faculty promotes biological research and academic teaching in its breadth and at the highest international level and offers its researchers, teachers, students, and their science-supporting staff an open forum for science, dialogue, and encounter. The declared aim is to design working and teaching conditions in such a way that faculty members and students can develop their professional and personal potential in the best possible way. In order to be able to guarantee the very high quality of research and teaching in the future as well, the faculty has agreed on the following four points as a model:

  • Research at the highest international level
  • Strong networking inside and outside the university
  • Intensive promotion of young scientists
  • Research-oriented and profession-oriented teaching

Read More: Faculty of Biology

University Address
Freiburg 79085

University Website

5. Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen (The University of Tübingen)

Subject Score: 39.2

World Ranking in Microbiology: #99

Best Global University Ranking: #180

The University of Tübingen, with its more than 500 years of history, is one of Germany’s oldest. Many great intellectuals have studied and worked in Tübingen – including Kepler, Hegel, Hölderlin, and Schelling. The genius loci – the spirit of the place – is now stronger than ever.

Innovative, interdisciplinary, international: These three words summarize what makes the University of Tübingen special. Excellent research and teaching are Tübingen’s answer to the challenges of the future in a globalized world. They maintain exchanges with partners around the globe – both at institutions of higher education and at non-university research institutions. Networks and cooperation across faculty and subject boundaries are the pillars of their successful strategy. This is reflected in their good position in international rankings. In addition, they are one of the eleven German universities distinguished with the title of “excellent.”

Department of Microbiology / Biotechnology

The Department is directed by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wohlleben and has its major research focus on the biology of actinomycetes and their ability to produce secondary metabolites.

The current research projects of the department are dealing with molecular genetics and biochemistry of antibiotic biosynthesis, regulation of the primary metabolism of producer strains, and unique biological features of these mycelial bacteria. For more details please visit the web appearance of their different research groups.

Many of the research projects are integrated into national and international research consortia such as the collaborative Research Centre 766 (Bacterial Cell Evelope), the Graduate College 1708 (Bacterial Survival Strategie), German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF), and various European programs (ERA-IB, ERA SysApp).

Teaching in the department includes lectures, seminars, and practical courses in the biology bachelor and microbiology masters program.

Read More: Department of Microbiology / Biotechnology

University Address
Tübingen 72074

University Website

6. Heidelberg University

Subject Score: 37.2

World Ranking in Microbiology: #109

Best Global University Ranking: #54

Heidelberg University’s Faculty of Biosciences is one of Europe’s most vibrant and interactive life science faculties in the areas of research and education. It includes a wide spectrum of disciplines, ranging from molecular biosciences to biodiversity, including molecular biotechnology and pharmacy. Research questions are addressed by many different experimental and computer-aided methods ranging from crystallography to whole-genome sequencing. Highlights of our scientific life can be found under News, everything you may want to know about individual research groups and collaborative research networks can be found under Research.

Faculty of Biosciences

The Faculty of Biosciences is part of Heidelberg’s unique campus structure, the Neuenheimer Feld. It not only hosts all the natural and life science faculties, but also the Medical Faculty, plus excellent non-university research institutions like the German Cancer Research Center or the Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research. Heidelberg’s molecular life science community has successfully positioned itself within the German Excellence Initiative. This has contributed to the development of campus-wide core facilities, providing easy access to cutting-edge technology needed for innovative research and first-class education.

Read More: Faculty of Biosciences

University Address
Grabengasse 1
Heidelberg, 69117

University Website

7. University of Bonn

Subject Score: 34.7

World Ranking in Microbiology: #125

Best Global University Ranking: #114

They are one of eleven German Universities of Excellence, the only university with six Clusters of Excellence and more Nobel Prize winners and Fields Medalists have emerged from our University in the past decades than from any other German university. For 200 years, the University has been shaped by outstanding personalities from a wide range of subjects. They are known for research-led study programs, the international flair of Bonn as German’s city of the United Nations, and as part of a dynamic science region in the heart of the liveable Rhineland. With around 35,000 students, 6,000 doctoral candidates, 550 professors, and 6,000 employees, they are one of the largest traditional research universities in Germany.

Institute for Microbiology & Biotechnology

At the Institute for Microbiology & Biotechnology at the University of Bonn, interdisciplinary research is carried out on many microbiological topics. Topics of the working groups of the institute range from physiological issues, pharmaceutical problems to food analysis. Modern methods of bacterial genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, and taxonomy are used. The Institute for Microbiology & Biotechnology belongs to the Department of Biology under the institutes of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Details about the work areas and projects can be found on the homepage of the individual workgroups.

Read More: Institute for Microbiology & Biotechnology

University Address
Regina-Pacis-Weg 3,
Bonn 53012

University Website

8. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Subject Score: 33.7

World Ranking in Microbiology: #135

Best Global University Ranking: #82

The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin was founded in 1810 and is considered the “mother of all modern universities“. This reputation is thanks to the university concept established by the scholar and statesman Wilhelm von Humboldt. In February 1809, he took responsibility for education and training in the Ministry of the Interior. He made an application to the King to found the University of Berlin, on July 24, 1809.

2010 marked the 200th anniversary of the Humboldt-Universität. Numerous events from October 2009 to December 2010 honored the ideas of its founding fathers. In dialogue with the city of Berlin, the alma mater celebrated science, research and teaching, and the relevance of Humboldt’s founding principles for the present day.

As one of eleven German universities, the Humboldt-Universität was chosen “University of Excellence” in June 2012. It was successful in all three funding lines in the third round of the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments and awarded for its future concept “Educating Enquiring Minds: Individuality – Openness – Guidance”. In an international comparison, Humboldt- Universität ranks among the top ten of German universities. Scientists here research socially relevant topics and challenges of the future and communicate these with the public. Humboldt-Universität invests all its energy in being a place of excellent research and teaching. Its aim is to promote young talents and to positively influence society and the economy outside the university framework.

Institute for Biology

The Institute for Biology at HU Berlin is part of the Life Sciences Faculty. It is located in the heart of Berlin on Campus North near the Charité and the Museum of Natural History. The arboretum in the Treptow-Köpenick district and various facilities are closely linked to the institute. The various working groups of the institute span an arc from molecular and cell biology to organismic biology to ecosystem research and evolution. The individual departments cooperate in their research with other regional, national and international institutions.

Read More: Institute for Biology

University Address
Unter den Linden 6,
Berlin 10099

University Website

9. Hannover Medical School (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover)

Subject Score: 33.4

World Ranking in Microbiology: #140

Best Global University Ranking: #427

The MHH Hospital is a maximum care hospital with a nationwide catchment area. The university teaches medicine, dentistry, biochemistry, biomedicine, midwifery, and health sciences. The main research areas are Transplantation and Stem Cell Research / Regenerative Medicine, Infection and Immunology Research, Biomedical Engineering, and Implant Research.

Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hospital Epidemiology

The Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hospital Epidemiology (founded in 1966) with its approx. 70 permanent employees are responsible for the microbiological infection diagnostics in the field of bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, and hospital epidemiology in health care. This also includes advising physicians regarding diagnostics, therapy, and prevention of infectious diseases. Of special importance is also the care related to hospital epidemiology for the clinics and ambulances of Hannover Medical School. In the research field, the institute focuses on current topics of molecular microbiology and infection immunology.

Read More: Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hospital Epidemiology

University Address
Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1,
Hannover 30625

University Website

10. University of Cologne

Subject Score: 33.3

World Ranking in Microbiology: #141

Best Global University Ranking: #232

The University of Cologne is one of the oldest and largest universities in Europe. Due to its outstanding scientific achievements and the high quality and diversity of its degree programs, it enjoys an excellent international reputation. The UoC’s mission is to create, preserve and impart knowledge, to offer its students and early-career academics outstanding academic education, to qualify them for both academic and professional careers, to promote cutting-edge research, and to drive innovation while focusing on the constantly changing needs and challenges of today’s society.

Department of Biology

The Department of Biology of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Cologne represents an internationally cooperating research focus in the field of molecular life sciences. Amongst others this is reflected in the two Clusters of Excellence “Cluster of Excellence on Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases” (CECAD) and “Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences – from complex traits towards synthetic modules” (CEPLAS), four special research areas (SFB 670, 680, 829 and 1218), the internationally oriented graduate education, the Center for Molecular Medicine (CMMC) and the “Cologne Center for Genomics” (CCG). In its guidelines, the University of Cologne has designated “Life Sciences” as a priority.

Read More: Department of Biology

University Address
Köln 50923

University Website

About Author

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Sagar Aryal

I am Sagar Aryal, a passionate Microbiologist, and the Scientific Blogger. I did my Master’s Degree in Microbiology and currently doing my Ph.D. from Tribhuvan University in collaboration with Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS), Germany. I am particularly interested in research related to actinomycetes, myxobacteria, and natural products.

1 thought on “Top 10 Microbiology Universities in Germany (Updated 2021)”

  1. Completed Msc. in Microbiology specialization in Medical
    Interested in Ph.D , however puzzled. Need to know further pathways.


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