Philodendron Grow and Care: A Complete Guide

The philodendron is a flowering plant that is commonly used to decorate indoors. These indoor plants are utilized for a variety of reasons in homes and companies, but the major reason people appreciate them is because they look fantastic and may bring charm and appeal to interior areas.

When it comes to office plants, Ambius interior landscaping consultants frequently recommend philodendrons. Their ability to thrive in tough environments makes them perfect for interior landscapes. They require little upkeep and have few pest problems, making them an excellent indoor plant all-around.

Philodendron Grow and Care A Complete Guide
Philodendron Grow and Care A Complete Guide

The climbing kind is the most frequent variety of philodendron. These plants, with their heart-shaped leaves and deep green hue, make an excellent addition to any home setting. Climbing types can be trained to climb windows, poles, or container sides. Upright kinds feature bigger leaves and a more compact habit. Upright cultivars are similarly slower growing, but can reach fairly large if you allow.

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Taxonomic Classification of Philodendron

Taxonomic RankClassification
Super divisionSpermatophyta

Habitat and Distribution of Philodendron

  • Philodendron is a genus of about 450 stout-stemmed climbing herbs from the Araceae family that are native to tropical America.
  • Philodendron species can be found in a wide variety of settings throughout the tropical Americas and the West Indies.
  • The majority live in wet tropical forests, but they can also be found in marshes, riverbanks, roadsides, and rock outcrops.
  • Philodendrons flourish in tropical rainforests, where they can grow as epiphytes or terrestrial plants.
  • As epiphytes, they frequently grow on trees, employing their aerial roots to anchor themselves to the bark and gain access to sunlight filtered through the forest canopy. This growth pattern permits them to avoid competing for resources on the forest floor.
  • Terrestrial philodendrons grow directly in forest floor soil, frequently in shaded or partially shaded places, where they benefit from high humidity and rich, organic soil.
  • Philodendrons have a wide range of growth patterns, including climbing vines, sprawling ground coverings, and upright, bush-like forms. Many species are notable for their big, glossy, and frequently deeply lobed leaves, which can be dramatically different in shape and size. Their adaptability to changing light conditions, from low light in the understory to stronger, indirect light in canopy gaps, makes them extremely flexible.

Anatomy and Morphology of Philodendron Plant

  • Philodendron foliage is normally green, but it can be coppery, crimson, or purplish; parallel leaf veins can be green, red, or white.
  • The shape, size, and texture of the leaves vary greatly depending on the type and maturity of the plant.
  • The fruit is a white to orange berry.
  • The young and adult phases differ, making it nearly hard to distinguish between distinct kinds of tiny plants.

How to Grow and Care Philodendron Plant

Philodendrons are such low-maintenance house plants that they may be left alone most of the time in a low-light environment with fairly dry soil. Because they can be hazardous, philodendron make excellent hanging plants or decorative accents for top shelves away from children’s reach.

Philodendrons are found in tropical jungles, where they ruggedly climb trees. In a domestic setting, these plants prefer dappled light, similar to the canopy of a tropical rainforest. Upright species are more tolerant of bright sunlight, although they also prefer some partial shadow. Colored-leaf cultivars require adequate lighting to display their greatest colors. When exposed to excessive shade, they fade to a drab green.

Choose a well-drained potting media that will not stay wet for too long; philodendrons need even moisture and dislike sitting in wet soil. Philodendrons prefer loose, well-drained soils. To avoid salt accumulation from watering, which can cause leaf browning and yellowing, flush the soil on a regular basis by thoroughly watering until water escapes the drainage holes.

Water your philodendron once the top inch of soil is dry. They prefer moderate soil moisture levels; overwatering or underwatering can cause leaves to droop. To avoid root rot, don’t let the plant sit in moist soil. Non-climbing types are marginally more resistant to arid circumstances than vining species. Reduce watering during winter dormancy.

Philodendrons benefit from regular monthly fertilizer applications during the spring and summer, when growth is most active. This can be accomplished using either liquid fertilizer or slow-release pellets.

Temperature and humidity
Philodendrons should be kept at temperatures above 55°F and away from cool drafts, such as those from air conditioner vents. They thrive in warm, humid conditions. To boost humidity, spritz the plant every few days or lay the pot on a tray of stones filled with water, making sure the pot’s bottom does not touch the water.

If your philodendron vines become too long or lanky, clip them back with sterilized pruning shears or scissors, preferably in the spring or summer. Light pruning to eliminate fading leaves and spindly growth can be done all year. Propagation is accomplished by cutting slightly above a leaf node and taking stem cuttings.

How to Propagate Philodendron

The simplest approach to reproduce philodendron plants is to take cuttings and root them. To do this, locate a node on the vine. This normally occurs near a leaf, where aerial roots may have already begun to sprout. Using clean clippers, cut just above the node at a 45-degree angle.

If you’re cutting from a leggy plant, it may be excessively long. When propagating philodendron, you want cuttings that are 5 inches (13 cm) long and have 2 to 3 leaves. Cut your vine to the appropriate length, making sure to cut just above the node. Remove any leaves around the bottom of your philodendron cutting before rooting it.

Propagating Philodendrons in Water

The first approach for propagating philodendron is to place your cuttings in a clean jar of water. Make sure the nodes are completely immersed. Then, lay the cuttings in indirect sunlight. Change the water every few days, and in a few weeks, you’ll have new roots ready for transfer.

Propagating Philodendrons in Soil

You can also root philodendrons directly in soil. Prepare a container with holes in the bottom, as you would for any new houseplant, by adding houseplant growing material, water, and a few stones for drainage.

Before planting your philodendron cutting, consider adding a rooting hormone. You can use a commercial rooting hormone or, for a unique twist, dip your cuttings in cinnamon before placing them in soil. Cinnamon works as a natural antifungal and promotes root growth.

Place your plant in indirect sunlight and keep the soil damp, but not soggy. In a few weeks, you should notice new growth and roots.

Potting and Repotting Philodendron

Why should you repot your Philodendrons?

It helps your philodendron develop strongly by revitalizing and refreshing it. Here are several convincing reasons to think about repotting your green companion:

  • Root Bound Problems: Although philodendrons are recognized for their flexibility, they can become confined in pots. When the roots begin to round the bottom of the pot or poke through the drainage holes, it’s time to find a new home. Repotting gives your plant enough space to grow its roots.
  • Soil Depletion: As time passes, the potting soil loses nutrients, making it unsuitable for your Philodendron. Repotting gives your plant a new start in nutrient-rich soil, helping it to grow.
  • Health and Growth: A larger pot and fresh soil give your Philodendron more nutrients and room to develop. This can result in more lush foliage and a healthier plant overall.

When Should I Repot My Philodendron?

You don’t want to hinder your plant’s growth needlessly. Here are several clues that it’s time to repot your Philodendron.

  • Roots Outgrowing the Pot: If you notice roots escaping from the drainage holes or circling the bottom of the pot, it’s a clear sign that your Philodendron requires a larger container.
  • Slow Growth: If your Philodendron has stopped growing or its leaves are smaller and less vivid than usual, it may be unable to access nutrients in its present soil.

In terms of scheduling, it is better to repot during the active growing season, which is either spring or summer. Your Philodendron will have a lot easier time adjusting to its new surroundings.

How to Repot Philodendron

Re-potting philodendrons may be both pleasurable and satisfying. This is an extensive guide to assist you make sure your plant settles into its new environment without any problems.

Choosing the Proper Potting Medium: Select soil, dense orchid mix, or leca (expanded clay pebbles) based for your climate. Leca may dry out too quickly in dry situations, whereas soil may retain too much moisture in humid environments.
Combine half orchid soil or bark and half potting mix, together with charcoal and perlite. This promotes proper oxygenation and helps to keep fungus gnats away.

Choosing the Perfect Pot: Philodendrons like not to be dry, so use non-porous containers such as plastic or glazed ceramic. Choose a little larger pot than the existing one to let the roots to expand. Alternatively, place an orchid pot or grower’s pot within a larger decorative planter to improve drainage and humidity.

Here’s step wise process to repot the plant.

  • Water the plant lightly before removing it to assist loosen the roots and avoid breaking.
  • As you remove the plant, check the roots for damage. Severely rootbound plants may require additional treatment.
  • Using a spray bottle or a basin of water, carefully loosen the roots. This supports healthy development and inhibits root rot.
  • Smell the roots to detect root rot; a rotten odor suggests that action is required. Remove any black, mushy roots, then rinse with a hydrogen peroxide combination.
  • If the plant is bushy or has several shoots, you should consider dividing it. Using cleaned shears, gently peel apart or cut the stems at their base.
  • Each division should have its own, robust root system. If not, let the divisions grow in water until they have enough roots to be potted.
  • Fill the new pot with soil to about one-third of its depth, allowing for both outward and downward root growth.
  • Arrange the plant in the pot with the roots just below the soil level and the stalks above it.
  • Fill the pot with dirt around the roots, pounding lightly to settle it and remove any air pockets. Before you water, firmly push down the earth.
  • Water the newly potted philodendron from above and below. Place the pot in a basin of water and soak for an hour or two to ensure the soil is fully saturated.
  • After thoroughly watering the soil, allow the pot to drain entirely.
  • After re-potting, monitor for drooping or discolored leaves, evidence of stress, or root issues. It’s typical for a plant to lose one or two leaves, but excessive leaf loss can suggest serious underlying damage.
  • For the first several weeks, keep the soil continuously damp (but not drenched) to enable new roots develop themselves.
  • Avoid putting the plant in exceptionally bright or direct light straight after re-potting. Begin with modest, indirect lighting and progressively increase to brighter situations.
  • Philodendrons are hardy plants, making them ideal for novices. Following these instructions will ensure a successful re-potting and allow you to enjoy seeing your philodendron thrive in its new surroundings.

Chemical Composition and Active Components of Philodendron Plant

Active CompoundChemical ClassificationUses
Gallic acidPhenolic acidAntioxidant, antimicrobial
Chlorogenic acidPhenolic acidAntioxidant, antimicrobial
Caffeic acidPhenolic acidAntioxidant, antimicrobial
RutinFlavonoidAntioxidant, antimicrobial
QuercetinFlavonoidAntioxidant, anti-inflammatory
LuteolinFlavonoidAntioxidant, anti-inflammatory
ApigeninFlavonoidAntioxidant, anti-inflammatory
CatechinFlavanolAntioxidant, antimicrobial
KaempferolFlavonoidAntioxidant, anti-inflammatory
MyricetinFlavonoidAntioxidant, anti-inflammatory

Benefits of Philodendron Plant at Home

Adaptable in nature: Philodendrons are highly adaptable to a variety of lighting conditions. Known as “tree-loving,” these plants frequently climb trees to obtain the sunlight available at the canopy level. Their foliage might be green, coppery, red, or purplish, with leaf veins in green, red, or white. Leaf form, size, and texture differ greatly depending on species and plant age. A philodendron produces white to orange berries.

Boost humidity: Philodendrons have different humidity requirements depending on the kind. Thinner leaves require higher humidity to keep their smooth feel. To simulate their tropical origins, keep humidity levels at 50% or above, particularly in the winter. Reduce watering during slow growth seasons.

Breath Benefits: Philodendrons are great air filters, absorbing formaldehyde and other pollutants from the atmosphere. Philodendrons should be planted throughout your living space, ideally every 100 square feet, to maximize their air-purifying properties. Their porous, oxygenating leaves improve the room’s air quality and aesthetics.

Health Benefits: In traditional medicine, the stems of Philodendron bipinnatifidum are used to cure inflammation, orchitis, and arthritis. Philodendron scandens helps decrease blood pressure and boost general health. Keeping the plant healthy ensures that its air-purifying properties stay effective, which improves indoor air quality and overall health.

Low maintenance: Philodendrons are popular houseplants due to their ease of care. With their big, waxy green leaves, they flourish inside and are suited for both novice and professional gardeners. Water at the top

An inch of soil is dry, but avoid overwatering, particularly in low light circumstances. Make sure the soil drains adequately and the pot has a drainage hole to keep water from pooling at the bottom.

Brings positivity: Philodendrons are well-known for their capacity to survive in low-light conditions and fluctuating temperatures. They add aesthetic and symbolic value by having a variety of leaf shapes and colors. Philodendron gloriosum, with its heart-shaped leaves, represents abundance and vitality. Placing it in a central living room or personal space can act as a daily reminder of personal development and well-being.

Improves air quality: Philodendrons clean the air by eliminating formaldehyde, which is a prevalent indoor contaminant. They absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen via photosynthesis, lowering indoor pollutants from furniture and cleaning goods. This promotes a better living environment.

Reduces Stress: The philodendron Lemon lime works as a natural stress reliever. Its soothing presence helps alleviate tension and encourage relaxation. According to studies, visual exposure to philodendrons can lower physiological stress signs including blood pressure and heart rate.

Aesthetic appeal: Philodendrons provide an air of luxury to any interior decor. Their inherent beauty and versatility make them ideal for a variety of decor styles, including minimalist and maximalist. Each leaf, with its distinct design, serves as a natural artwork, adding to the visual appeal of any environment.

Is Philodendron Toxic?

Philodendrons are popular houseplants in the United Kingdom, and indoor gardeners adore them for their broad leaves and tropical atmosphere. Despite their popularity, these plants can be hazardous to both humans and pets.

How deadly is the Philodendron?

The Philodendron is a mildly poisonous plant that will not kill your pets; nevertheless, the severity of the symptoms will depend on how much of the plant an animal consumes. Even so, eating any part of the plant can cause a lot of agony and misery for your pet, which can be terrible to watch and can aggravate other diseases.

Are philodendrons toxic to humans?

Philodendrons contain calcium oxalate, which is harmful to humans if consumed. Simply touching the leaves is acceptable if you quickly wash your hands, but if you want to be extra cautious, always use gloves when handling your Philodendron. You should also keep your plant out of reach of youngsters, and if consumed, seek medical attention right once.

If you swallow any portions of a Philodendron plant, you may get mouth irritation, as well as excessive drooling and foaming. This irritation will extend throughout your digestive tract and cause discomfort. Philodendron toxicity can potentially induce kidney stones in rare cases.

Are philodendrons hazardous to pets?

Yes, philodendrons are harmful to cats, dogs, and other animals. If your pet eats a Philodendron leaf, they will develop symptoms within a few hours. Symptoms include:

  • Vomiting
  • excessive drooling
  • Oral irritation.
  • excessive pawing at the mouth.
  • difficulty breathing
  • Foaming of the mouth
  • Loss of appetite
  • As soon as your pet exhibits any symptoms of Philodendron poisoning, call your veterinarian. If you leave this for too long, crystals will build in their urine, which can aggravate their disease significantly. To offer your animal the easiest experience possible, you should follow these steps:
  • Never try home remedies – There are potential home cures for Philodendron poisoning all over the internet, but you should always avoid them because they can worsen the disease.
  • Contact your veterinarian immediately – the longer you delay, the worse the disease will get. If your regular veterinarian is not available, contact your local emergency veterinary clinic.
  • Take a sample of the plant – When you visit your veterinarian, bring a sample of the leaf or part of the plant your pet ate, as this may aid in diagnosing and treating the disease.

Are outdoor Philodendrons hazardous to wildlife

Yes, outdoor-grown Philodendrons can be somewhat hazardous to smaller species. They will not harm bees or other pollinators who are just looking for pollen, but hedgehogs, foxes, and other garden wildlife may be affected.

To prevent this, keep your philodendron out of the reach of animals in a raised bed or tall container. You may also place your plant under a mesh or in a hanging basket. In larger gardens, place a scarecrow or a moving device, such as a wind spinner, beside it.

Pests/Diseases on Philodendron Plant

PestDescription [Cause/Symptoms]Prevention
AphidsSmall, sap-sucking insects that congregate on stems, under leaves, and around new growth. Usually green, but can be brown, yellow, or red. Symptoms include damaged tissue, discoloration, wilting, and stunted growth.Regularly inspect plants; use insecticidal soap or neem oil for treatment.
Fungus GnatsSmall, fly-like insects that lay eggs in damp soil. Larvae feed on plant roots, causing root rot and opening the plant to disease. Symptoms include adult gnats flying around and damage to roots.Avoid overwatering; use sticky traps for adults and hydrogen peroxide solution for larvae.
Spider MitesTiny pests that live on the underside of leaves, creating tiny pinholes and stippling damage. Severe infestations result in curling leaves and fine webbing.Increase humidity; use insecticidal soap, neem oil, or rubbing alcohol treatments.
ScaleSmall, brown bumps on stems and leaves that suck sap, causing weakened plants. Symptoms include yellowing leaves and sticky residue.Manually remove scale; use neem oil or rubbing alcohol for treatment.
Mealy BugsCotton-like white tufts found on leaf undersides. They suck sap, leading to yellowing or browning leaves, curling, and overall weakness.Physically remove bugs; use insecticidal soap or neem oil, and ensure to clean away honeydew.
Root RotFungal infection caused by overwatering. Symptoms include yellowing leaves starting from the base, black or brown patches, and mushy roots.Ensure well-draining soil and avoid overwatering; repot with fresh soil if necessary.
Bacterial Leaf SpotBacterial infection causing brown spots with light yellow halos. Spots are irregular and often start lower on the plant. Caused by soil-dwelling bacteria splashed onto leaves.Avoid top-watering; remove infected leaves and ensure good airflow.
Bacterial BlightBacterial infection causing dark spots on stems that spread to petioles and leaves, leading to wet rot with a foul smell.Avoid overhead watering; remove infected tissue and ensure surfaces stay dry.
Mosaic VirusViral infection causing mottled or streaked patterns in yellow, cream, or light green on leaves. Also results in stunted growth and malformed leaves.Isolate new plants before integrating them; control pest infestations that can spread the virus.
Cold InjuryDark green to brown blotches on leaves, caused by exposure to temperatures below 50°F.Maintain temperatures above 55°F; avoid placing plants near air conditioners.
Magnesium DeficiencyV-shaped yellow areas on leaves, particularly in cooler conditions, indicating insufficient magnesium.Apply one teaspoon of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) per gallon of water.
Tip CurlDownward curling leaf tips and browning margins, often due to over-fertilization.Reduce fertilizer application; leach soil to remove excess fertilizer or repot if slow-release fertilizer is used.

Interesting Facts About Philodendron Plant

  • Philodendron is a vital food source for bats and monkeys in the wild. Some philodendrons emit a sweet liquid that attracts ants. Ant colonies fight against harmful insects in the wild. Some kinds of philodendron are toxic to mice, cats, and rats.
  • Philodendrons are classified into three groups: epiphytes, hemi epiphytes, and terrestrial plants.
  • Some philodendron variants begin life in the soil and gradually rise to the top of the canopy. While others begin life high in the canopy.
  • Philodendron flowers generate pheromones that attract male beetles from the Dynastinae and Rutelinae subfamilies, which pollinate the plants.
  • Philodendrons contain oxalates, which, when taken in excessive quantities, can make humans and pets sick; therefore, tiny children and pets should not chew them.
  • In certain traditions, the philodendron represents riches and success. It is thought that keeping a philodendron plant in your home or office can offer you good luck and financial prosperity.

Famous Philodendron Varieties

Philodendron VarietiesDescription
Black CardinalBoasts deep burgundy leaves and wine-red stems, thriving in bright indirect light and well-draining, moist soil.
Black Gold (Melanochrysum)A larger version of Micans with dark foliage and gold flecks, this climbing Philodendron can grow up to 1.2 meters tall with 60cm long leaves, needing well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging.
Blushing (Erubescens)This easy-to-care-for vine features glossy, heart-shaped green leaves with wine-colored stems, making it perfect for hanging baskets.
Brasil (Hederaceum)Known for its neon green leaves with white stripes, this fast-growing climber can reach 3-6 meters, adapting well to both bright indirect light and low-light conditions.
‘Bob Cee’A rare climber with deeply lobed dark green leaves, adding a tropical touch to interiors with its easy maintenance.
Ceylon Gold (Erubescens)A climbing Philodendron with yellow-green paddle-shaped leaves, requiring moderate care and thriving in bright indirect sunlight.
Florida Ghost (Pedatum)A compact climber with multi-lobed yellow-green leaves and small blooms, ideal for office decor and needs regular pruning to control its height, which can reach up to 1.2 meters.
GrazielaeFeatures plump, heart-shaped leaves on green tubular stems, making it a great decorative plant for contrasting pots.
MartianumKnown for its shiny, glossy leaves and swollen petioles, this upright, self-heading Philodendron has a polished appearance.
MayoiIts leaves resemble palm fronds, and it thrives in usual conditions, but can become leggy in low light.
MelanoneuronA rare plant with large, rounded green leaves, needing structural support for optimal growth.
Micans (Hederaceum)A miniature climber with velvet-textured brownish leaves, perfect for hanging baskets or trellises, adding elegance to any space.
Pink PrincessThis self-heading variety is known for its striking bubblegum pink and dark green leaves, requiring bright indirect light to maintain its color. Beware of counterfeit all-pink plants.
Prince AlbertSimilar to the Prince of Orange but with shorter, wider deep green leaves featuring a pale green vein, it’s a robust variety ideal for indoor settings.
Prince of OrangeDisplays narrow, elongated leaves that transition from reddish-orange to light green as they mature, with a red or orange center vein adding to its colorful appeal.
Silver Sword (Hastatum)A fast-growing climber with silvery lance-shaped leaves that turn greener with age, perfect for hanging baskets or structural support, reaching up to 1 meter tall.
Thai SunriseKnown for its yellow stems and lime green paddle-shaped leaves, this rare and compact Philodendron is a popular tabletop centerpiece.
White KnightA fast-growing climber with broad leaves, striking white variegation, and wine red stems, making a bold statement while being easy to care for.
White PrincessThis slow-growing, self-heading variety features narrow variegated leaves and bright green stems, perfect for decorative use due to its low maintenance.
White Wave (Birkin)With white-and-green variegated leaves that can change colors based on light conditions, this popular variety requires minimal care and originated from a mutation of Philodendron Rojo Congo.
White WizardA fast-growing climber with large, white-and-green variegated leaves, it’s easy to propagate and more affordable than other white-variegated Philodendrons.
Winterbourn (Xanadu)A smaller version of the Tree Philodendron with dramatically-shaped foliage, perfect for indoor decor and air purification, known in Australia as Philodendron Xanadu.
Tree Philodendron (Selloum)This large variety has wide, lobed dark green leaves and woody stems as it ages, easy to care for with proper sunlight, temperature, and humidity. Also known as Thaumatophyllum Bipinnatifidum.
Velvet Philodendron (Gloriosum)A slow-growing variety with velvety, heart-shaped leaves featuring contrasting white lines, preferring humid environments like kitchens or bathrooms to maintain its lush appearance.
Heartleaf (Hederaceum)With heart-shaped leaves, this trailing plant is perfect for hanging baskets or pots, growing up to 1.8 meters indoors and easy to care for, though multiple plants create a fuller look.
Lemon Lime PhilodendronFeatures bright neon green and yellow foliage that brightens up any room, with a vining growth habit, ideal for hanging planters or tall shelves, requiring bright, indirect light to maintain its color.
Philodendron BirkinDisplays medium-sized deep green leaves with white pinstripes and variegation, characterized by a climbing growth habit and known for being slow-growing.
Imperial Green PhilodendronHas large, smooth deep green leaves, usually only with five to six leaves at a time, but each leaf can grow up to 18 inches long.
Green PrincessA small, compact plant with glossy, oval green leaves and a self-heading growth habit, perfect for window sills and tabletops.
Golden Goddess PhilodendronAlso known as Philodendron Malay Gold, this variety has a climbing growth habit and larger leaves than the lemon-lime heartleaf cultivar.
Burle MarxA fast-growing climber known for its unique foliage and ease of care.
Calkins GoldA rare climbing hybrid characterized by pointed light green leaves speckled with yellow and lime green variegation.
VerrucosumFeatures velvety green leaves with golden ribbing and bright red/orange stems, requiring precise temperature and humidity levels.
LynetteA compact, self-heading Philodendron with long, thin, highly-textured leaves, preferring indirect filtered light.
Florida GreenKnown for its emerald green multi-lobed leaves, it’s also called the oak leaf Philodendron.
GloriosumBoasts some of the largest leaves in the Philodendron genus, reaching up to 3 feet in diameter, with a velvety texture and dark color accented by striking white veins.
MameiA climbing variety with large green leaves variegated with shimmery silver, it’s low-maintenance and prefers bright, indirect light.


  • Chemical Composition, Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Antidiabetic Potential of Philodendron Bipinnatifidum Schott ex Endl DOI: 10.32732/jfet.2019.8.2.103

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Kabita Sharma

Kabita Sharma, a Central Department of Chemistry graduate, is a young enthusiast interested in exploring nature's intricate chemistry. Her focus areas include organic chemistry, drug design, chemical biology, computational chemistry, and natural products. Her goal is to improve the comprehension of chemistry among a diverse audience through writing.

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